The Business Trendsetter Podcast

What’s Your Path to $1B Revenue? Follow Arnault, Bezos, Bloomberg and Carlos Slim

Episode Summary

This podcast explains how the path to $1B is available to everyone.

Episode Notes

The world’s richest people are all self-made billionaires. None started with great family wealth, nor corporations. But can we identify what made them billionaires while others only wish for wealth.

This podcast explains how the path to $1B is available to everyone. But most of us don’t focus on the right things.  First and foremost, it takes a very strong commitment to growing revenues. And to do that requires understanding and investing in trends. You can’t grow revenues fast, a lot and over a long time unless you are in a powerful, long-term trend.  Success is not about trying to force people to buy more of what you’ve always done, but rather investing in trends so your products and services are what people want to buy.

And you must keep investing in trends. Sam Walton was once on this list, but nobody in his family now makes it. Why not?  They quit investing in trends. They got stuck in their old business, which is actually dying.  Today very few business leaders have a plan based on trends that could yield the growth necessary to reach a business.  They use the excuse that managing what they have takes too much resource, so they have not time for investing in something new.  An excuse guaranteed to keep you from succeeding.  Is that your excuse?


Thinking points: