The Business Trendsetter Podcast

What Skills Do You Need to Excel at Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Episode Summary

Success in AI relies more on business skills like understanding data, problem-solving, critical thinking, continuous learning, and communication.

Episode Notes

Lots of people somewhat glaze over when told they need to be more involved in AI.  The tendency can be to think of AI as requiring very hard core, high end, difficult technology skills that take years of education and application.  It’s easy to think that most of us are simply incompetent when it comes to AI, and it’s a challenge beyond most of us.

This podcast explains the top skills needed to succeed with AI, and none of them are technical.  Yes, technologists are part of the implementation process, but skills understanding data, setting up problems, fact checking, critical thinking, continuous learning and communication are every bit as important.  And for most business applications more important than technology skills.  Just like all of us learned to use PC’s, Word, Excel and Powerpoint (as well as other applications) in business, we all can learn quickly how to use AI to sell more stuff and operate more efficiently.


Thinking Points: